Photo: Witnessing the children of Bali struggling to survive after the Tsunami of 2004. Here, waiting for relief supplies to drop from helicopter.
From Personal to Professional – and all the Gray In Between

Testifying against the TV Evangelists in Congress, Washington, D.C. and learning that David has a chance against the Goliaths of this world.
8. [tuxedo shot on UES.]
Attending Henry Luce III’s introduction of me to the Astors, Vanderbilts, Forbes, and Rockefellers at his Sutton Place home.

Witnessing young “street children” drown in the gutters of Bogotá, Colombia in college.
Attending kindergarten in Paris and realizing that not all people in the world speak English.
Witnessing a bridge over a sewage canal in Haiti’s poorest slum, Cité Soleil, where women would go at night to give birth to the mud below.
Meeting my first partner of ten years, a Chinese-Filipino attorney, in a New York City bar.
Falling in love with my fourth partner, from Thailand, now together seven years.
Being taken as a small child by grandparents to view Dudley House at Harvard and Luce Hall at the U.S. Naval Academy.
Hearing my father’s young soldier eyewitness description of the liberation of emaciated prisoners at the concentration camp Dachau in Germany.
Holding “Reagan,” who became Mathew James Tendean Luce, in my arms of the orphanage in Sulawesi, Indonesia
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