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Archbishop of Canterbury Condemns Far-Right Exploitation of Christianity

The Archbishop of Canterbury has taken a firm stand against the recent wave of hate and violence that has gripped the U.K. His words have reverberated across the nation, addressing the troubling rise of unchristian behavior among ultra-Christian groups, which have been fueling racial tensions and targeting ethnic minorities, particularly Muslims and asylum seekers.

London, England — In a powerful opinion piece published in The Guardian, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has taken a firm stand against the recent wave of hate and violence that has gripped the United Kingdom. His words have reverberated across the nation, addressing the troubling rise of unchristian behavior among ultra-Christian groups, which have been fueling racial tensions and targeting ethnic minorities, particularly Muslims and asylum seekers.

The Archbishop’s message is clear: the actions of these far-right groups, who often cloak themselves in Christian imagery, are fundamentally opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Welby denounced the exploitation of Christian iconography by these groups, declaring, “Let me say clearly now to Christians that they should not be associated with any far-right group – because those groups are unchristian.”

Welby’s intervention comes at a time when the country is grappling with the aftermath of violent riots that have left communities divided and fearful. The Archbishop emphasized the importance of defending free speech, freedom of worship, and the right to peaceful protest, while condemning the deliberate spread of lies and misinformation that have fueled these violent acts.

Photo: Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has taken a firm stand against the recent wave of hate and violence that has gripped the United Kingdom. Credit: Church of England.

Welby’s words are not just a rebuke but a call to action.

He highlighted the need for painstaking efforts to rebuild and reconcile, pointing to examples of civic virtue where people have crossed boundaries to defuse tensions. From the imam in Liverpool who fed rioters to the chaplain in Sunderland who protected a church and escorted Black nurses to safety, these acts of courage and kindness are the foundations upon which a more peaceful and just society can be built.

The Archbishop’s permanence and influence in the U.K.’s religious and social landscape stand in stark contrast to the more centralized and global role of the Pope in the Roman Catholic Church. While the Pope’s authority is far-reaching, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s leadership is deeply rooted in the local context, addressing the unique challenges of a multicultural and often divided society. His position allows him to speak directly to the heart of British society, offering guidance and a moral compass during times of crisis.

Welby’s message is a reminder of the core Christian values of love, compassion, and reconciliation. He calls on all citizens to engage in the difficult but necessary work of building a society that is united in its diversity. The Archbishop’s words serve as a beacon of hope, urging the nation to move beyond hatred and division, and to find a way to live together well, embracing the shared humanity that binds us all.

Archbishop of Canterbury Condemns Far-Right Exploitation of Christianity (Aug. 11, 2024)

#ArchbishopOfCanterbury, #JustinWelby, #UnchristianBehavior, #ReligiousTolerance, #UnityInDiversity, #PeaceAndReconciliation

Tags: Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, Far-Right, Hate and Violence, UK Riots, Religious Tolerance, Christianity, Reconciliation, Free Speech, Multiculturalism

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Jim Luce
Jim Luce
Raising, Supporting & Educating Young Global Leaders through Orphans International Worldwide (, the J. Luce Foundation (, and The Stewardship Report ( Jim is also founder and president of the New York Global Leaders Lions Club.

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