Saturday, July 27, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Jim Luce Writes on Poland and Polish Americans

Jim first visited Warsaw just before the Soviet Invasion in 1980 and fell in love with The Old Town reconstructed after WWII.

  1. Bucket List: Visiting Cracow in Poland (July 9, 2016)
  2. Lech Walesa: Champion of Solidarity and Global Democracy (July 9, 2010)
  3. Poland Must Prepare Army for Full-Scale Conflict: Army Chief (July 12, 2024)
  4. Tadeusz Sudol: Connected To Two Worlds — New York And Old Europe (Originally published in Huffington Post, Oct. 20, 2016)

Follow Jim Luce on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and X (Twitter).

© 2024 The Stewardship Report on Connecting Goodness – Towards Global Citizenship is published by The James Jay Dudley Luce Foundation Supporting & Educating Young Global Leaders is affiliated with Orphans International Worldwide, Raising Global Citizens. If supporting youth is important to you, subscribe to J. Luce Foundation updates here.

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Jim Luce
Jim Luce
Raising, Supporting & Educating Young Global Leaders through Orphans International Worldwide (, the J. Luce Foundation (, and The Stewardship Report ( Jim is also founder and president of the New York Global Leaders Lions Club.


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