Saturday, July 27, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Jim Luce Writes on Mental Health

A person struggling with mental health issues including worry and fear, a common occurrence in today’s world.

  1. Dementia Mama Drama: A Tale of Two Authors on Amazon Books (July 4, 2024)
  2. Fountain House Symposium Spotlights Borderline Personality Disorder
    (Originally published in The Huffington Post, May 30, 2017)
  3. Fountain House 11th Annual Symposium & Luncheon (May 5, 2014)
  4. Viewpoint: Why Racism is a Public Health Crisis (May 25, 2024)

Follow Jim Luce on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and X (Twitter).

© 2024 The Stewardship Report on Connecting Goodness – Towards Global Citizenship is published by The James Jay Dudley Luce Foundation Supporting & Educating Young Global Leaders is affiliated with Orphans International Worldwide, Raising Global Citizens. If supporting youth is important to you, subscribe to J. Luce Foundation updates here.


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