Shabazz, Malaak


    Malaak Shabazz (b.1965). One of six daughters of Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz.

    Malaak Shabazz
    Malaak Shabazz speaking at a conference in Brazil, 2015.

    In 2015, Malaak Shabazz spoke at the side of rapper Dexter speaking at the Seminário Juventude Negra (Black Youth Seminary) sponsored by the city of São Paulo’s Municipal Secretariat for the Promotion of Racial Equality as part of their Week of Black Consciousness. According to the event organizers, Malaak Shabazz is an expert on international human rights who has worked at the United Nations for 29 years.

    The organizers wrote in 2015: “Shabazz was invited to attend the 16th Session of the Work Group on People of African Descent in Geneva. She also received a certificate of attendance and participation in the XIX International Congress of Rupestre Art IFRAO 2015, held in Cáceres, Spain.”

    “She specializes in international human rights issues, such as “decolonization and the elimination of racism and discrimination, with emphasis on the situation of girls” and “Eradication of violence against women in armed conflicts and climate disasters.” She is also involved with the foundation Worldwide Orphans (WOO), which monitors the conditions of orphaned children in disasters. And through her work with U.K.-based Human Appeal, she mobilizes international consciousness-raising and humanitarian aid to Middle East refugees.

    Shabazz “was president of the U.N. Sub-Commission on Human Rights for the Elimination of Racism and Discrimination. Malaak Shabazz is an international speaker and one of the leaders of the Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center, ( in New York City,” the conference organizers in Brazil stated.

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