Sexual Harassment


    Sexual Harassment. Unwanted verbal or physical behavior that’s based on a person’s gender and can make someone feel upset, scared, offended, or humiliated. It can include:

    • Unwelcome sexual advances
    • Requests for sexual favors
    • Unwanted touching
    • Offensive gestures or comments
    • Asking about a person’s sex life
    • Sexualized remarks about a person’s appearance
    • Sexualizing the work environment
    • Telling sexual jokes
    • Unwanted letters, telephone calls, or materials of a sexual nature
    Sexual harassment is a type of sexual violence, which includes any sexual activity or act that happened without consent. In the United States, it’s unlawful to harass a person because of their sex, and violators can be held accountable with civil penalties. In New York State, employers must conduct sexual harassment prevention training for all employees each year.

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