
    LGBTQ+. Short form of LGBTQIA+, an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and more. These terms are used to describe a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

    “LGB” and then “LGBT” began to replace the term gay (or gay and lesbian) in the late 1980s to reference the broader community. The first use of the words “Homosexual” and “Heterosexual” was in 1868.

    The term ‘homosexual,’ now used primarily in scientific contexts, has at times carried negative connotations in the U.S. “Gay” became a popular term in the 1970s. As lesbians forged more public identities, the phrase ‘gay and lesbian’ became more common.

    Queer. The term ‘Queer’ gained popularity as an umbrella-term for sexual and gender minorities in the 21st century. The term remains controversial, particularly among older LGBT people, who perceive it as offensive due to its historical usage as a slur, as well as those who wish to dissociate themselves from queer radicalism.

    Some people consider ‘Queer’ to be a derogatory term originating in hate speech and reject it, especially among older members of the community. This is somewhat akin to the transition of acceptance of the terms ‘Colored-Negro-Black-African American’ over many decades. Some younger people feel ‘Queer’ is a more politically charged, more powerful term than LGBTQ+. In a 2018 U.S. study, only about 1 in 5 LGBTQ people identified as “Queer.”

    In 2016, GLAAD’s Media Reference Guide states that ‘LGBTQ’ is the preferred initialism, being more inclusive of younger members of the communities who embrace Queer as a self-descriptor.

    LGBTQ-PLUS, where the ‘+’ represents those who are part of the community, but for whom LGBTQ does not accurately capture or reflect their identity. Longer initialisms have been criticized as confusing or unwieldy, sometimes being referred to as “alphabet soup,” and mocked its leadership as the “alphabet mafia.”

    Two Spirit. In Canada, the community is sometimes identified as LGBTQ2 (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and two spirit).

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