Buchheit, Jason


    Jason Buchheit, RA  Project Architect Garrison Architects, New York Architect, educator and design activist, Jason is a Project Architect at Garrison Architects and was a founding member of Architecture for Humanity New York and acted as the organization’s founding director. He has a longstanding interest in the use of prefabrication in buildings and has explored it through a number of projects during his career. He has worked on projects around the world for cultural institutions and corporate organizations, as well as a number of academic projects around the United States. “From knowing Jim Luce and his work over the last seven years, I see an ambition and drive to change the world for the better seen only the greatest idealists married with an uncompromising ability to make that change happen which you typically only see in the greatest entrepreneurs. This marriage of idealism and entrepreneurship makes this endeavor captivating on many levels, not just for the extent of change for the better being undertaken… but the intelligence and broad thinking that is applied while doing so.”



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