Amdetsion, Fasil


    Fasil Amdetsion, Esq.  Professor, Public International Law Addis Ababa University, Ethiopea  Born in Oregon, litigator Fasil Amdetsion attended first Yale as an undergraduate and then Harvard Law School, graduating cum laude in 2007. He speaks English, Amharic, Italian, French, and Tigrigna. Fasil’s publication Scrutinizing the Scorpion Problematique: Arguments in Favor of the Continued Relevance of International Law and a Multidisciplinary Approach to Resolving the Nile Dispute was covered by Jim Luce in The Huffington Post (story). He was the recipient of the Tristan Perlroth Prize, Yale Center for International and Area Studies and the Article Editor for the Harvard Negotiation Law Review, 2006-2007. He is no stranger to public service, having served as president of the Harvard African Law Association (2005-2006) and co-founded the Ethiopian Lawyers Association of North America.

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