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Post-Tsunami Story of Orphans International Sumatera Continues


Jim Luce membicarakan lahan yang lebih luas dengan para tokoh masyarakat…

We negotiate a three-year lease on additional land for eight more homes with the village leaders…

Dengan Agus Helly sebagai penterjemah.

While Agus Helly translates; The meeting is held under a traditional home built on stilts…

Kesepakatanpun dicapai. Lahan seluas 3.000 meter persegipun siap dikelola…

After the agreement, the meeting participants take a tour of the 3,000 sq. meter property…

Lahan tempat membangun rumah lainnya bagi 56 anak dan rumah para staff OI Sumatera.

Here we will house an additional 56 children in seven homes and our staff in the OI Sumatera Staff House.

Agus Helly menyempatkan diri membacakan cerita kepada anak-anak.

Agus Helly, Director of Bali house, helps out reading to the children…

Dan berpose bersama dua teman barunya, Sarah dan Mutia. Rahmyana yang duduk di bangku kelas V SD, dengan raket badminton.

Rahmiyana enjoys posing for pictures in front of her new home as well as with her new house mates.

Sedangkan Bahrizal dan Farrul Rozi tertawa bersama dengan mainan barunya.

The boys are always full of life and smiles and laughter fill the air.

Di sudut lain, anak-anak perempuan bergembira dengan permainan tali.

While the girls jump rope and laugh the day away.

Sarah kembali berpose setelah bermain olah raga badminton.

Sarah takes a break from a game of badminton…

Sedangkan, Bahrizal dan Wahyu, dengan raket di tangan, menunggu giliran bermain.

While Bahrizal waits for the next match.

Rahmyana yang awalnya pendiam dan tertutup, dapat tertawa bersama Mutia.

Rahmiyana, once shy and introverted, is now happy and playful with Laila Mutia…

Di saat lain, dia kembali ke hobinya, membaca.

But she never strays from her studies.

Di lapangan hijau, Jacques bermain sepak bola dengan anak-anak laki.

Jacques Africot from Haiti plays soccer with the boys from our home and from the village…

Para calon Pemimpin Aceh ini selalu berakting ketika melihat kamera.

While the future leaders of Aceh and Orphans International act like boys do all over the world.

Dua gadis cilik yang cantik ini, dengan yakin menatap masa depan yang gemilang

And the fine young ladies who have an air of royalty to their way of being.

Bahrizal kembali berakting, menampilkan ototnya.

Bahrizal is the proud to be the biggest and strongest in the house.

Agus kembali mengajari anak-anak tentang pentingnya memiliki tubuh yang kuat.

Agus teaches the kids that a strong mind is just as important as a strong body.

Mutia dan Sarah ingin mengatakan kepada dunia, mari jaga perdamaian.

Laila Mutia and Sarah sharing the international peace sign with all.

Di depan bangunan serba guna, Yuri, Dani, Jacques dan anak-anak berpose bersama.

The children in front of multifunction room with Yuri, Dani and Jacques.

Kemudian, giliran Jim Luce untuk berpose bersama anak-anak.

The children of Orphans International Sumatera face a bright future with help from around the world.

Dan bantuan dari segala penjuru dunia sangat dibutuhkan oleh anak-anak Orphans International Sumatera.

And help from around the world is available to the children of Orphans International Sumatera.

Post Script: Our funding ran out in the fourth year of the program but the children had not yet been united with their extended families; we needed a little longer for the families to recover and come forward. So I cashed out my 401-k and kept the children’s village alive for an additional year – just long enough so that every child found a home with a long-lost aunt, uncle or even older sibling.

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Jim Luce
Jim Luce
Raising, Supporting & Educating Young Global Leaders through Orphans International Worldwide (, the J. Luce Foundation (, and The Stewardship Report ( Jim is also founder and president of the New York Global Leaders Lions Club.

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