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Nigerian Student Chosen for Dambach Peacebuilder Fellowship

Ms. Hassan has already earned a Master’s degree from the University of North Carolina Greensboro in Peace and Conflict but wanted to further her understanding of global dynamics and cultural contexts. She believes that way, the world can create more effective and sustainable peacebuilding strategies.

New York, N.Y. — The Dambach Peacebuilder Fellowship housed at Oklahoma State University’s School of Global Studies has announced its second Dambach Peacebuilder Fellow, Stephanie Hassan, a student at O.S.U. from Nigeria. She writes:

“I began my academic journey in Nigeria, earning a bachelor’s degree in mass communication from the National Open University of Nigeria. In 2021, I moved to the United States to further my education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG), where I obtained a master’s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies.

During my time at UNCG, I discovered a passion for community organizing and engagement. I gained valuable hands-on experience at North Carolina Peace Action, working with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons on community organizing around nuclear disarmament

After completing my master’s degree, I worked with Amnesty International on a project aimed at ending gun violence in Austin and its surrounding areas in Texas. In this role, I contributed to organizing and fundraising efforts, further honing my skills in advocacy and community outreach

Photo: Stephanie Hassan. Credit: Stephanie Hassan / LinkedIn.

It is my privilege and honor to be a part of the global studies program at Oklahoma State University. I believe that global studies and peacebuilding are inherently interconnected fields that together address the complexities of international relations, conflicts, and cooperation.

By understanding global dynamics and cultural contexts, it is my belief that we can create more effective and sustainable peacebuilding strategies. My goal is to contribute to a holistic approach that bridges these fields, fostering a deeper understanding of global issues and promoting lasting peace.

Considering my background in Peace and Conflict Studies, I chose to pursue a master’s in Global Studies to broaden my perspective in addressing global challenges. My expertise in peace and conflict resolution will complement my studies in global dynamics, enabling me to develop comprehensive solutions that consider both local and international contexts.

I believe the knowledge gained from global studies will enrich my peacebuilding efforts by providing a wider lens through which to understand and address conflicts, ultimately leading to more impactful and sustainable outcomes.

I am very excited to join the Dambach Peacebuilders Fellowship, where I look forward to bringing my experience and voice to the forefront. I am eager to perform my duties in any capacity where my expertise is needed, contributing to meaningful change and peacebuilding efforts.”

Nigerian Student Chosen for Dambach Peacebuilder Fellowship (Aug. 21, 2024)

The Dambach Peacebuilder Fellowship

Office of Global Studies
Oklahoma State University
204 Wes Watkins Center
Stillwater, OK 74078

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