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Meet J. Luce Foundation Global Advisor Jeremy Hu

New York, N.Y. Jeremy Hu first made his mark in the world of art and fashion. Born and raised in Taiwan, Jeremy studied Graphic Design, Advertising, and Photography at Central St. Martin’s College of Art and Design in London. In his early career, he worked as a fashion model

He then moved to New York City, where he has held many positions, including worldwide art curator, advertising executive, and an agent for artists and photographers. Recently, he is devoting his talents and energies to New York City’s luxury real estate market. 

Jeremy Hu was first Executive Director of the James Jay Dudley Luce Foundation

Jeremy’s commitment and service to the J. Luce Foundation (FacebookWebsite) are strong, and his motivations are simple. I decided to get to know Jeremy better, and he obliged to sit down with me for a few quick questions.

I asked what he hoped to achieve with the Foundation, he said: “Simply, I hope that we could give assistance and help to more young people who are in need.” 

Jeremy has taken on humanitarianism by storm by teaming up with non-profit partners, Global Advisors, and Young Global Leaders. All committed to bringing a positive social change in the fields of Art, Education and Orphan care to the U.S., Afghanistan, Cuba, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Peru, and Sri Lanka. Where inspiration can be encouraged and rebuilt for generations to come.

When asked what led him to branch out into real estate from art and fashion, Jeremy stated: “Art and fashion are my passion and hobby. However, I find conducting business in real estate is more tangible in practically.” 

Chris Rim was a Luce Leader-in-Training with the J. Luce Foundation.
Here, with Jeremy Hu and Jim Luce. Photo: J. Luce Foundation.

Jeremy also believes that his creative mindset gives him an edge in the world of high stakes real estate, because, he says, “I can give my clients advice and perspectives from very different and non-traditional angles. Jeremy believes that this edge a creative mindset gives you in the world of business applies to philanthropy as well. 

Jeremy cited Jim Luce as a shining example of someone who’s philanthropy benefits from his creative outlook. When asked who has influenced him the most in his busy and successful life, perhaps heartening and indicative of his humility, Jeremy replied: “I believed that both of my parents equally impacted my life.” 

With his benevolent reputation in marketing an extensive affluence in the sophistication of fine arts, Jeremy’s scholarly fondness for elegance and tact excuses a former force throughout his business experience.

Meet J. Luce Foundation Global Advisor Jeremy Hu (June 13, 2018)

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Jim Luce
Jim Luce
Raising, Supporting & Educating Young Global Leaders through Orphans International Worldwide (, the J. Luce Foundation (, and The Stewardship Report ( Jim is also founder and president of the New York Global Leaders Lions Club.

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