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Lively Life with Twelve Dogs, Each One Unique

Cheaper By The Dozen?

New York, N.Y. It began as a child with Brian, a shelter dog my mom got for me to help me weather their divorce. But on the day we were moving, Brian ran away never to be found. Fast forward a lifetime, and I am with my second partner and we manage to adopt four dogs, two dachshunds, a one-eyed poodle, and a crazed Yorkie who had been raised on New York streets by a homeless man.

Then, I wrote an essay for the Huffington Post, Looking for the World’s Best Pooch. And from that tiny acorn a might oak has truly grown. We now have a dozen dogs, each one completely unique from the other. Allow me to introduce them to you.

1. Tokio


2. Teddy


3. Tofu


4. Rogi


5. Diabetes


6. Buddy


7. Clover


8. Maxwell


9. Ollie

With one eye missing, Ollie manages spectaculalry.

10. Cayden


11. Tofu


12. Polar

Better known as “Yap Yap” for his high-pitched insistent bark.

Lively Life with Twelve Dogs, Each One Unique (May 1, 2024)

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Jim Luce
Jim Luce
Raising, Supporting & Educating Young Global Leaders through Orphans International Worldwide (, the J. Luce Foundation (, and The Stewardship Report ( Jim is also founder and president of the New York Global Leaders Lions Club.

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