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Joys and Challenges of a Cross-Cultural LGBTQ+ Relationship



New York, N.Y. — xxx

Cross-cultural LGBTQ+ relationships can be influenced by a variety of factors, including: 

  • Language – Different cultures use different terms to describe LGBTQ+ people, and some terms don’t translate well into English. 
  • Social expectations – LGBTQ+ partners may be able to create their own relationship rules and traditions without being bound by social expectations. 
  • Spiritual identities – In some African societies, gay men and lesbian women are believed to be spiritual leaders and mediators between the human and spirit worlds. 
  • Recognition of rights – Cross-cultural narratives show that lesbian and gay rights are often recognized before the rights of bi, trans, queer, and questioning people. 
  • Homonegativity and transphobia – Even in countries that have established protections for LGBTQ+ people, homonegativity and transphobia can still exist. 

Some ways to promote cultural competence in the care of LGBTQ+ patients include: 

  • Avoiding judgment of sexual orientation and practices 
  • Including “partner” on intake forms in addition to “spouse” 
  • Including transgender as an option on intake forms 
  • Supporting LGBTQ+ Pride Day, World AIDS Day, and National Transgender Day of Remembranc

Joys and Challenges of a Cross-Cultural LGBTQ+ Relationship (Aug. 30, 2022)

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Jim Luce
Jim Luce
Raising, Supporting & Educating Young Global Leaders through Orphans International Worldwide (, the J. Luce Foundation (, and The Stewardship Report ( Jim is also founder and president of the New York Global Leaders Lions Club.

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