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Henry Luce Son and Cornell Parent Donates Admission Center

When Peter Paul Luce completed his three terms as a trustee, the son of Time Magazine founder Henry Luce was recognized by the Luce Foundation, which gave Cornell $1 million to fund and endow the Peter Paul Luce Gallery.

New York, N.Y. – A $1 million gift from Cornell College parent and life trustee Peter Paul Luce will expand and modernize Cornell College’s admission center.

Photo: Peter Paul Luce, son of Henry R. Luce, has had a life-long interest in aviation.

Luce, of Englewood, Colo., connected with Cornell when his daughter Lynn was drawn to Cornell’s One-Course-At-A-Time calendar. Luce served Cornell as a trustee when Lynn began at Cornell in 1989.

He became a life trustee in 2003, and received honorary alum status in 1995 with his wife, Betsy.

“I’ve always been an admirer of One-Course-At-A-Time,” said Luce. “It’s not only the best innovation in higher education in a long time, it’s the only one.”

Luce’s patronage of Cornell College has long created extraordinary opportunities for Cornell, its students and prospective students. Starting in the 1990s, Luce personally flew high school counselors to visit Cornell on his twin engine prop jet.

When Luce completed his three terms as a trustee, the son of Time Magazine founder Henry R. Luce was recognized by the Henry Luce Foundation, which gave Cornell $1 million to fund and endow the Peter Paul Luce Gallery.

The Peter Paul Luce Gallery is a contemporary art gallery located on the campus of Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, IA. Its mission is to provide a platform for students to discover challenging and moving art and connect the Mt. Vernon community to a broader world of contemporary art. 

“Mr. Luce has been a long-time supporter of the college’s student recruitment program,” said Vice President for Enrollment and Dean of Admission Jonathan Stroud. “He understands the importance of a professional and attractive facility for receiving prospective students and their families.”

Photo: The Peter Paul Luce Admission Center was built in 1884. Known as the Wade House, the college acquired the home in 1947 upon the death of Ruby Clare Wade, a French professor from 1917 to 1947. Credit: Cindy Hadish.

The expansion and renovation of the Peter Paul Luce Admission Center will enhance the professional work environment for staff and will create a more inviting reception area for visitors. New offices will be built and the reception space will double in size to provide a more attractive and comfortable space for receiving visitors and interviewing students.

Peter is a loyal friend of Cornell, and this gift is another demonstration of his support for the College and for our admission program,” said Cornell College President Les Garner. “We are extremely grateful for his commitment to this important project.”

Henry Luce Son and Cornell Parent Donates Admission Center (March 20, 2008)

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