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Defending Freedom: Young Global Leaders and Fight Against Censorship

The state of Utah orders the removal of 13 books from public school classrooms and libraries… In Orwell’s seminal work 1984, the dangers of a totalitarian society where “Big Brother” watches and controls every aspect of life serve as a chilling warning. While Orwell’s vision was a dystopian future, the parallels to today’s landscape are striking.


New York, N.Y. — In today’s increasingly interconnected world, the need for young global leaders to champion the cause of freedom has never been more pressing. As our foundation, committed to nurturing the next generation of leaders, observes, the greatest threat to global leadership is not merely the complexity of the issues we face, but the insidious rise of censorship and authoritarianism that stifles the very essence of what leadership should be—freedom of thought, expression, and action.

Photo: Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend) members burn books, 1938. Credit: World History Archive / Alamy Stock Photo.

The Rise of Authoritarianism and Censorship

The concept of censorship and authoritarianism is not new. History has shown time and again that the most repressive regimes often begin with the silencing of dissent.

In George Orwell‘s seminal work 1984, the dangers of a totalitarian society where Big Brother watches and controls every aspect of life serve as a chilling warning. While Orwell’s vision was a dystopian future, the parallels to today’s global landscape are striking.

Across the globe, we see governments tightening their grip on information, restricting the media, and using advanced technology to surveil and control their populations.

From China’s Great Firewall to Russia’s crackdown on independent journalism, authoritarianism is rearing its head in new and sophisticated ways. Even in democratic societies, we witness alarming trends where misinformation is weaponized, and dissenting voices are marginalized.

One of the most recent and alarming examples of this trend is the decision by the state of Utah to order the removal of 13 books from public school classrooms and libraries. This decision, made in accordance with a new state law passed earlier this year, has sparked outrage and concern among library associations, free speech groups, and advocates nationwide. These books, deemed inappropriate by the state, include works that have long been regarded as important literary contributions, essential for fostering critical thinking and understanding among students.

This act of censorship is not just a localized issue; it reflects a broader, disturbing trend where the suppression of ideas is becoming more prevalent in places where freedom of expression should be most protected. The removal of these books undercuts the very foundation of education, which is to expose students to diverse viewpoints and encourage them to engage with challenging ideas.

The Role of Young Global Leaders

It is against this backdrop that the role of young global leaders becomes critically important. Young leaders are not only the future but also the present, challenging the status quo and advocating for a world where freedom and human rights are protected. Our foundation supports these leaders, providing them with the tools and platforms they need to make their voices heard on the global stage.

Young global leaders represent a diverse spectrum of ideas and experiences, unified by a common goal: to create a world where freedom is not just an aspiration but a reality. They understand that leadership is not about power or control, but about empowering others and fostering an environment where diverse perspectives can flourish.

However, this vision is under threat. The rise of censorship and authoritarianism, exemplified by actions like Utah’s book ban, is not just a challenge to political systems; it is a direct assault on the values that young leaders stand for. The suppression of ideas, the erosion of civil liberties, and the encroachment on individual freedoms all serve to undermine the potential of these leaders and the societies they seek to improve.

The United States as a Beacon of Freedom

The U.S., with its deep-rooted commitment to freedom and democracy, has historically served as a beacon of hope for those living under authoritarian regimes. The Founding Fathers envisioned a nation where freedom of speech, press, and assembly would be protected as fundamental rights. These principles are enshrined in the Constitution and have been the bedrock of American society.

Yet, even in the U.S., these freedoms cannot be taken for granted. The rise of polarized politics, the spread of misinformation, and increasing distrust in institutions pose significant challenges to the preservation of these rights. If America is to continue its role as a global leader in freedom and democracy, it must confront these issues head-on and reaffirm its commitment to the principles upon which it was founded.

The recent actions in Utah serve as a stark reminder that the battle for freedom is far from over. The decision to ban books from schools—a place where freedom of thought and expression should be most encouraged—echoes the very practices that authoritarian regimes use to control their populations. It is a direct affront to the values of freedom and democracy that America is supposed to uphold.

The Danger of a “1984” Reality

The dangers of a world slipping into a “1984” reality are all too real. A society where censorship is normalized and authoritarianism is accepted is one where creativity, innovation, and progress are stifled. Such a world is antithetical to the vision of a free and open society that young global leaders are striving to build.

The lessons of 1984 remind us of the consequences of complacency. In the novel, the Party’s control over truth and reality is absolute, leading to a society devoid of individual thought or freedom. The manipulation of language, the rewriting of history, and the constant surveillance serve to keep the population in check, ensuring that no one dares to challenge the status quo.

This dystopian vision is not just a work of fiction; it is a warning. It is a reminder that the fight for freedom is ongoing and that the forces of censorship and authoritarianism must be actively resisted. The decision in Utah is but one example of how easily freedoms can be eroded if we do not remain vigilant.

A Call to Action

As we navigate these challenging times, our foundation remains committed to supporting young global leaders who are at the forefront of the fight for freedom. These leaders understand that true leadership is about more than just governance; it is about safeguarding the rights and freedoms of all individuals, ensuring that every voice can be heard.

The fight against censorship and authoritarianism is not an easy one, but it is necessary. We cannot allow the world to slip into the darkness of “1984.” Instead, we must strive to live in a free United States of America, as intended by our founders. This is not just a political stance; it is a moral imperative.

Our foundation calls on all who believe in freedom to support the next generation of leaders, to stand up against censorship in all its forms, and to resist the rise of authoritarianism. The future of global leadership depends on it, and so does the future of our world.

The vision of a free and open society is one that must be actively pursued and defended. The rise of censorship and authoritarianism poses a grave threat to this vision, but it is not insurmountable. With the support of young global leaders and a collective commitment to the principles of freedom, we can ensure that Orwell’s nightmare remains a cautionary tale, not a reality.

The recent developments in Utah are a stark reminder of the fragility of our freedoms and the need for constant vigilance. Together, we must continue the fight for a world where freedom is not just a dream, but a lived experience for all.

Defending Freedom: Young Global Leaders and Fight Against Censorship

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Jim Luce
Jim Luce
Raising, Supporting & Educating Young Global Leaders through Orphans International Worldwide (, the J. Luce Foundation (, and The Stewardship Report ( Jim is also founder and president of the New York Global Leaders Lions Club.

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