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World Congress III


Orphans International Worldwide
World Congress III & Reception
“Building Bridges”
Alfred Lerner Hall, Columbia University, NYC
(Satow Room, Fifth Fl., 115th St. & Broadway)

Saturday, July 8, 2006; 8am – 6pm; $20


8:30am – 10:30am                  Registration: Hannah von Krause (USA)
                                                Coffee: Phyllis M. & Rupert Cort, Hosts (Guyana)

8:45am – 9:45am                    OIWW Business Meeting
                                                Jim Luce, Chair

A. OIWW Election of Officers for 2005-2006

  • President: Jim Luce (Founder, OI Worldwide)
  • Vice President: Yuri Guanilo (Program Officer, OI Worldwide)
  • Secretary: James Larèche (Administrative Officer, OI Worldwide)
  • Treasurer: Luis Alberto Suárez, MBA (Executive Director, OI Peru)
  • Director: Monalisa Harris (Director, OI Sulawesi)
  • Director: Ria Indah (Founder, OI Indonesia)
  • Director: Felicia Nair (Founder, OI United Kingdom)
  • Director: Natasha Rahmany (Finance Director, OI Sumatera)
  • Director: Uche Udensi (Chair, Africa Committee, OI America)

B. Selection of OIWW Meeting Sites for next five years

  • IV     2007 – Guyana?  Haiti?  Peru?
  • V      2008 – Singapore?  Japan?  Hong Kong?
  • VI     2009 – Ghana?  Togo?  Nigeria?
  • VII   2010 – United Kingdom?  Germany?  France?
  • VIII  2011 – Sulawesi?  Philippines?  Sri Lanka?

                                                C. Presentation of Global Standards
Standards are being re-drafted by students of the
                                                Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University, Chicago
                                                Approval at World Congress IV

                                                D. Address from the Founder:                                                Fifth Anniversary Global Action Plan – Jim Luce
                                                Approval Needed


10:00am – 11:00am                 Workshop 1: OI Projects Around the World
                                                Moderator: Hubert Eteh-Benissan (Togo)
                                                Ariele Cohen, Esq. (Sri Lanka)
                                                Yuri Guanilo (El Salvador, Sumatera)
                                                James Larèche (Haiti)
                                                Rosa Suárez (Dominican Republic, Peru)
                                                Uche Udensi (Ghana, Togo, Nigeria)

11:15am – 12:15pm                 Workshop 2: OI Education & Health
                                                Moderator: Donald Hoskins, MD (USA)
                                                C. Nilsa Olivero, PhD (Puerto Rico)
                                                Wendy Budin, PhD, RN (USA)
                                                Doris Chernik, PhD (USA)
                                                Gail Farber, MD (USA)                                                Jim Luce (USA)

12:30pm – 1:30pm                  LUNCH – courtesy of Air France

1:45pm – 2:45pm                    Workshop 3: Standards, Compliance & Image
                                                Moderator: John Wilbeck, MBA (USA)

                                                Nathan Byrd (USA)
                                                Andrys Erawan (Indonesia)
                                                Messan Minyanou (Togo)
                                                Jennifer Prince (Guyana)

Ethel Romm (USA)                                                 Anne Sullivan Smith, PhD (USA)

3:00pm – 4:00pm                   Workshop 5: Development for the Future
                                                Moderator: Carol Noll Hoskins, PhD, RN (USA)

                                                Tom Cohen (USA)
                                                John Garesché (USA)

Rajiv Mallick (India)
                                                Felicia Nair, MBA (UK)
                                                Boris Stankevich (Belarus)

4:15pm – 5:30pm                    Closing Remarks                                                Moderator: Jim Luce (USA)                                                With OI Worldwide Officers and Congress Panel Moderators

8:00 pm – 11:00pm                  Reception in the OIWW Office, Roosevelt Island
                                                540 Main Street #418, Buzzer 157; (212) 755-7285 (“F” Train)
                                                Host: Jim Luce, OIWW Founder (USA)

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Jim Luce
Jim Luce
Raising, Supporting & Educating Young Global Leaders through Orphans International Worldwide (, the J. Luce Foundation (, and The Stewardship Report ( Jim is also founder and president of the New York Global Leaders Lions Club.

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