Dargan, Jaya


    Jaya Dargan  Former Vice President, Global Wealth & Investment Management, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, New York    Jaya is a seasoned leader with diverse careers, education and work experiences in the U.S., Asia, and Europe. Her professional background includes significant success and diverse roles in financial services, retail distribution technology, fashion and nonprofit / philanthropy sectors. Her most recent background includes 14+ years in the financial services sector, with positions of responsibility in compliance, client and portfolio management, product development, acquisition integration and program management. Jaya has served in numerous leadership roles in her prior firm including executive member to the Financial Women’s Association of NY, founder of the Hopewell NJ chapter of the firm’ Women’s Exchange network, and served on Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s Global Diversity & Inclusion Council sub committees for Leadership Engagement, Associate Awareness, Education and Communications. Jaya has also had significant participation for over 20+ years in numerous philanthropic and nonprofit initiatives. Her interest in the philanthropic world began with working at the Missionaries of Charity in New Delhi under the late Mother Theresa, where she provided services for running the center as a volunteer while completing her Bachelor’s degree in Sociology. She has since provided leadership and direction for growth, awareness and publicity, event planning, fund raising, and developing linkages between multiple entities to leverage key strengths, as well as liaison with leaders in other sectors for collaborative, sustainable efforts for numerous such philanthropic initiatives. She has served on boards of various nonprofit initiatives that work with social service, microfinance, the arts, and women’s leadership efforts, creating events and campaigns to showcase such efforts and bring awareness, interest and support to these causes.

    The vision and goals of Jim Luce and the Luce Foundation for the International University Center Haiti (Uni Center) aims to bring sustainable progress to the rebuilding of Haiti. I hope to draw on my professional background as well as my interest and experience in the philanthropic sector to support this wonderful initiative and look forward to working with such a committed and diverse team under the leadership of Jim Luce to make this a successful effort that brings long lasting change for the citizens in Haiti and a touching experience for all of us.

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