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Why a Stable World Needs India at Centre Stage

The people of Ukraine recognise the steadfast support India has provided in their hour of need, including sending medical equipment which has saved the lives of soldiers and civilians. It is time India offered the same support diplomatically.

Mumbai, India. The relationship between India and Ukraine is steeped in history. Before, during and after the control by the Soviet Union, both countries have a record of partnership, trade, and friendship.

Photo: President President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, 2022. Credit: Україна/Wikimedia Commons.

Formal cooperation between the two countries now encompasses areas as diverse as cultural exchange, space technology and agricultural trade. The bedrock of Ukraine’s trading relationship with India is in the agricultural sector, which accounted for over two billion dollars’ worth of exports to India in the year leading up to the war, the vast majority of which was of vegetable oil.

Alas, despite the thousands of miles which separate India and Ukraine, the Russian invasion of Ukraine two years ago was a severe blow. The current conflict is not just a matter for Ukraine, for Europe, or even for the Global North. This is not a proxy-war as Russian commentators would have you believe; this is a battle for the independence of Ukraine.

Photo: Critical cargoes of grain from Ukraine. Credit: International Maritime Organization.

Families have been destroyed, historic towns and villages have been turned into rubble and innocent civilians continue to be killed. Russia’s acts are so atrocious, Ukrainian children are regularly abducted into Russia, with their families desperate for them to return home.

The humanitarian need for global leaders to be vocal in their support for Ukraine has never been greater. Only this week have we seen Russian missiles target a children’s hospital, killing innocents trapped in this war.

President Zelenskyy himself highlighted his disappointment at seeing Prime Minister Modi embracing the Russian President upon his arrival, stating “it is a huge disappointment and a devastating blow to peace efforts to see the leader of the world’s largest democracy hug the world’s most bloody criminal in Moscow…”

Modi must do what India has done for generations and take the side of the innocents and defend the values by which we all live by. Just this week, the White House, in press remarks as the US hosts the NATO Summit in Washington, reiterated the unique position of India, holding close ties with Moscow and called on Modi to ‘lean on’ the Russian President to promote peace. It is true that India is a strategic partner to both sides, and is in the best position to enable a full and frank discussion on the ending of this invasion.

Modi’s visit to Moscow this week must be used as an opportunity deliver the clear message that the world is tired of Putin’s imperialist games. They are failing, and no number of Russian excuses can account for the killing of children in a hospital or the continued onslaught on the people of Ukraine.

Photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on a boat tour in Sochi, Russia, 2018. Credit: Presidential Press and Information Office, Russia,

He must also emphasise the global effects the war brings on India itself, and other third-party nations. Putin’s imperialist war has brought devastating disruption to the global food trade and caused hardship to hundreds of millions of Indian families. Bilateral trade also plummeted by 30 percent when Russia ended the Black Sea Initiative last summer. Worldwide, the disruption Russian aggression has caused to traditional supply chains has pushed 70 million people to the brink of starvation.

Ukraine is determined not to let some of the most vulnerable people in the world become unnecessary victims of Russia’s war. President Zelenskyy launched the ‘Grain from Ukraine’ initiative in November 2022, working with the UN World Food Programme to provide a lifeline to those at a risk of extreme hunger and famine, predominantly living in the Global South.

Since then, ten shipments have transported 230,000 tons of wheat and grain to those who need it most, with recent shipments to Nigeria and Sudan acting as a lifeline to people impacted by conflict at home as well as overseas. Ukrainian consideration of others, even under the constant barrage of invasion, is a reminder why countries, like India, who share this generous nature must be vocal in their support for the survival of this independent nation.

Photo: Mahatma Gandhi statue in A.V. Fomin Botanical Garden, Kyiv. Credit: Valery Pokotylo.

The people of Ukraine recognise the steadfast support India has provided in their hour of need, including sending medical equipment which has saved the lives of soldiers and civilians. It is time India offered the same support diplomatically.

Whilst welcoming the work India has already done to move towards a sustainable peace, President Zelenskyy has asked Prime Minister Modi for his support in delivering the Ukrainian Peace Formula, the only way of delivering a just and lasting end to this horrific war. Putin’s efforts to label this as a ‘proxy-war’ against the West needs to be called out as the fabrication it is. This is a war of imperialist expansion, something that countries like India fought so hard to end in the twentieth century.

India’s history knows too well the damage that war can bring. Like then, it is the innocent population who want nothing more to live in an independent country and make their own decisions contrary to efforts by a much bigger power.

It is time to put an end to this humanitarian catastrophe. It’s time for leading powers to take the lead in shaping the future of the world. It’s time for India to take centre stage.

Why a Stable World Needs India at Centre Stage (July 12, 2024)

Ambassador Manav Sachdeva is an academic with extensive experience of leading initiatives in developing countries, and a former holder of senior positions in the UN. He is a goodwill ambassador for President Zelenskyy’s Office, for the Grain from Ukraine programme.

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Manav Sachdeva
Manav Sachdeva
Mr. Manav Sachdeva was recently appointed as Ambassador by President Zelensky for the global ‘Grain from Ukraine’ program. The program provides food aid worth ~$300 million annually to impoverished countries in Asia, Middle East, and Africa where the situation stands exacerbated by the naval blockade from Russia’s war on Ukraine and blocking of the Ukrainian sea ports. He has over 25 years’ experience spearheading initiatives in different environments such as Afghanistan, India, Lebanon, Somalia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan Guyana, Liberia and Kosovo as well as being located in HQ roles at UNHQ in New York City and within US entities in Washington DC. Due to the success of his work, he was recognised as an Honorary Ambassador to the UN, USAID and Allied Organisations by the Ukraine Ad Coalition. Mr Manav Sachdeva has an extensive educational background also having graduated with a degree in Economic Development & state/Society Structural relations from Colombia University as well as having complemented his studies at such institutions as Harvard University and the University of California. He has worked in capacity building, governance reform, project management, policy formulation, gender mainstreaming and Women, Peace and Security. Previously, Manav worked in Afghanistan with United Nations, and various civil-society organizations helping them integrate community engagement work in the programming priorities, including women’s participation. Manav also worked in similar roles in Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Kosovo, Ukraine, Balkans, West Africa, Malaysia, and Lebanon. He served as a team leader for projects led by UN, UNICEF, USAID, BearingPointKPMG/Deloitte Public Sector Consulting, Heart 9/11, UNDP, US State Department, US House of Representatives, OSCE, Save the Children, AID India, Columbia University, UN Democracy Fund, UN Mission in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Liberia etc. Manav is also a poet and writes under the pen name Maasoom Shah Aliyaar, and is the author of The Sufi’s Garland. Mr Sachdeva was recently awarded the Alumni Service Award and a Certificate of Recognition by the University of California, and the California State Legislature, respectively.

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