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Merry Republican Christmas from Kentucky (and Colorado)

U.S. congressman Thomas Massie posts family Christmas picture with guns, days after Oxford school shooting.

“Gun-free zones are ineffective and make our schools less safe.”

In 2022, NumbersUSA, which seeks to reduce both legal and illegal immigration, gave Rep. Thomas Massie a 93% score; in 2019–20, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which also supports immigration controls, gave him a 92% rating.

His Legislative Record

In 2019, Massie was the only member of Congress to oppose an act that refused to recognize Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

He was also one of three members to oppose a March 2022 resolution supporting Ukraine’s sovereignty after it was invaded by Russia.

He later amplified Russian claims that Ukraine was developing biological weapons.

On December 7, 2021, Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado posted her own family holiday card on “X.”
Heritage Action for America scores Boebert at 97% compared to average House Republican at only 74%.

He opposed a resolution in 2022 to support Sweden and Finland joining NATO, saying he did not want to “subsidize socialist Europe’s defense.”

He called Roe v. Wade “of one of the greatest judicial travesties of our time,” then went on to say he believes life begins at conception.

Massie rejects the general scientific consensus on climate change.

He has said, “I think the jury is still out on the contribution of our activities to the change in the earth’s climate.”

He supports dismantling the Environmental Protection Agency.

He has referred to President Macron of France as a “a socialist militarist globalist science-alarmist.”

He called for Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to be prosecuted for “lying to Congress while under oath.”

He introduced and supports legislation to eliminate certain gun control measures and expands American citizens’ gun rights.

He stated “Gun-free zones are ineffective and make our schools less safe.”

He was the sole member of Congress to vote against the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act in November 2019 and the UIGHUR Act condemning the treatment of Chinese Uighur.

In 2020 he voted against making lynching a federal hate crime.

He voted against an Act to prohibit ICE from cooperating with Health and Human Services to detain or remove illegal alien sponsors of unaccompanied alien children (UACs).

He voted against a House resolution reaffirming commitment to the orderly and peaceful transfer of power in the United States under democratic principles.

In June 2021, he voted against a resolution to give the Congressional Gold Medal to police officers who defended the U.S. Capitol on January 6.

I June 2021, he voted against legislation to establish June 19, or Juneteenth.

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