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Republican “D.E.I.” Nonsense: Make Racism Wrong Again

Redefining Leadership: Kamala Harris and the Future of American Politics

New York, N.Y. We find ourselves reflecting on the remarkable journey of Kamala Harris, a figure who has become synonymous with resilience, intellect, and transformative leadership. As the presumptive Democratic candidate for President of the United States, current Vice President, and former Senator from California, Harris stands at the forefront of American politics, embodying a vision of progress and inclusivity.

Harris was born on October 20, 1964, in Oakland, California, to immigrant parents—an Indian mother and a Jamaican father—who instilled in her a deep sense of justice and a commitment to public service. Her life’s work has been a testament to these values, navigating the often treacherous waters of American politics with grace and determination.

As we reflect on her career, it’s impossible to ignore the vitriol and baseless attacks she has faced, particularly from political opponents who have reductively labeled her a “DEI” (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) candidate. This label, often used in a derogatory manner, seeks to undermine her extensive qualifications and reduce her candidacy to mere identity politics. Such tactics are not only misleading but are also a reflection of the systemic racism that continues to pervade our society.

Harris’s qualifications are extensive and diverse.

She served as the District Attorney of San Francisco and later as the Attorney General of California, the nation’s largest state. In these roles, she established herself as a tough but fair prosecutor, championing issues such as criminal justice reform, the rights of the disenfranchised, and environmental justice. Her tenure in the U.S. Senate further solidified her reputation as a thoughtful and effective legislator, where she was a vocal advocate for healthcare reform, immigration policy, and civil rights.

The moniker of “DEI candidate” is not just inaccurate; it is a disservice to the breadth of Harris’s experience and accomplishments. It is a dismissive tactic aimed at delegitimizing her candidacy by reducing it to a check on a diversity box rather than a reflection of her substantive policy positions and leadership skills. This framing ignores the reality that Harris has earned her place through hard work, strategic acumen, and a deep understanding of the complexities of governance.

We must challenge this narrative and instead focus on Harris’s vision for America—one that includes all voices and seeks to rectify the inequalities that have long plagued our nation. Her policies are not born out of identity politics but are grounded in a comprehensive approach to governance that prioritizes the welfare of all Americans. This includes her commitment to healthcare as a human right, her push for climate action, and her advocacy for economic policies that uplift the middle and working classes.

Harris’s candidacy is particularly significant at a time when the U.S. grapples with its identity and future direction.

The “Make America Great Again” rhetoric that has dominated the past years often harks back to an idealized version of the past, one that excludes the diversity that is America’s greatest strength. In contrast, Harris’s vision is forward-looking, inclusive, and grounded in the reality of our diverse society.

As thought leaders and global citizens, we believe it is crucial to support leaders like Kamala Harris who are not afraid to confront the challenges of our time. Her stance on issues such as racial injustice, women’s rights, and international diplomacy reflects a nuanced understanding of both domestic and global complexities. She is not just a symbol of progress but an active participant in shaping a better future for all.

In embracing Kamala Harris’s candidacy, we are not merely supporting a political figure but are endorsing a broader vision of what America can and should be. Her leadership style—marked by empathy, intelligence, and resilience—offers a hopeful contrast to the divisiveness that has characterized much of our recent political discourse. We are reminded of the power of representation, not as an end in itself but as a means to ensure that all voices are heard and valued.

As we move towards the future, let us echo the call to “Make Racism Wrong Again,” a phrase that encapsulates the ongoing struggle for equality and justice. Harris’s journey, from her early days in Oakland to her historic run for the presidency, is a testament to the progress we have made and the work that still lies ahead.

Republican “D.E.I.” Nonsense: Make Racism Wrong Again – Kamala Harris and Future of American Politics (July 24, 2024)

#KamalaHarris, #Leadership, #Progress, #Diversity, #Equality, #Justice, #GlobalCitizen, #ThoughtLeader, #MakeRacismWrongAgain, #AmericanPolitics, #VicePresident, #2024Election, #California, #PublicService

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Jim Luce
Jim Luce
Raising, Supporting & Educating Young Global Leaders through Orphans International Worldwide (, the J. Luce Foundation (, and The Stewardship Report ( Jim is also founder and president of the New York Global Leaders Lions Club.

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