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‘Ganesha Orphanage’ Nears Completion in India – Roof Next

“The population of impoverished, orphaned children is frightening. We will do our best to house and educate a good number of them, proving a ladder out of abject poverty.”

Bihar, India. Construction of the Ganesha Orphan Home of Orphans International Worldwide being coordinated by the J. Luce Foundation India is nearing completion. According to Dip Agrawal, president of our foundation there, “Next step is the roof!” Santosh Kumar, another Board member, has been helping oversee the build site on top of Lotus Free School on the outskirts of Bodhgaya.

Project Details

Ganesha Orphan Home will be a five-bedroom, five-bathroom, 2400 sq. ft. tiled modern home. It is designed to house up to 16 children under the care of host parents. This facility aims to provide not only shelter but also a nurturing environment where children can thrive and escape the cycle of poverty. The home is designed with modern amenities to ensure a comfortable living space for the children and their caretakers.

International Collaboration

This initiative is truly an international project. The Lotus Free School, upon which the orphanage is being built, has been constructed primarily by Japanese volunteers and donors. The orphanage itself has been funded mostly by American donors, including generous contributions from supporters in Atlanta. This collaboration exemplifies the global commitment to improving the lives of vulnerable children.

Local Impact

Bodhgaya, a town known for its significant Buddhist heritage and as a pilgrimage site, now also symbolizes hope for many orphaned and impoverished children. The Ganesha Orphan Home will not only provide basic needs but also emphasize education and personal development, offering a pathway to a better future. The home will play a crucial role in addressing the region’s needs, where the number of orphaned and impoverished children is alarmingly high.

Call to Action

To support this noble cause and help complete the Ganesha Orphan Home, contributions are welcomed. Every donation brings the project closer to providing a safe and nurturing environment for these children. Interested donors can contribute through the provided link here.

Looking Forward

The completion of the Ganesha Orphan Home marks a significant milestone in the efforts to support orphaned children in Bihar. The project highlights the power of international cooperation and the impact of dedicated community efforts. As the roof installation begins, the anticipation grows for the home’s opening and the new beginnings it will offer to the children.

In India, ‘Ganesha Orphanage’ Nears Completion – Roof Next (July 15, 2024)

#OrphansInternational #GaneshaOrphanHome #Bihar #ChildWelfare #InternationalAid #Bodhgaya #JLuceFoundation #GlobalSupport

TAGS: Asia-South, Children, Orphans International, Bihar, Ganesha Orphan Home, Lotus Free School, J. Luce Foundation, International Collaboration, Child Welfare, Bodhgaya

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Jim Luce
Jim Luce
Raising, Supporting & Educating Young Global Leaders through Orphans International Worldwide (, the J. Luce Foundation (, and The Stewardship Report ( Jim is also founder and president of the New York Global Leaders Lions Club.

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