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Editorial: Joe Biden’s Time Has Sadly Come to Step Aside

Biden is fighting a battle he simply cannot win – the relentless march of time.

New York, N.Y. The growing chorus of voices within the Democratic Party calling for his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race is not just noise – it’s a stark reality check that the party and the nation can no longer ignore.

Biden’s recent debate performance against Donald Trump laid bare the concerns that many have harbored about his age and mental acuity[. At 81, Biden is fighting a battle he simply cannot win – the relentless march of time. While his dedication to public service is commendable, the presidency demands more than just experience; it requires vigor, sharp cognitive function, and the ability to inspire confidence in the electorate.

The stakes in this election are too high to gamble on a candidate who may not be at the top of his game. With crucial issues like climate change, economic stability, and global security hanging in the balance, the Democrats need a standard-bearer who can not only articulate a clear vision for the future but also convince voters they have the energy to see it through.

Moreover, Biden’s continued candidacy risks fracturing the party at a time when unity is paramount. The growing dissent within Democratic ranks, from senators to prominent supporters, threatens to undermine the party’s chances of retaining the White House. A graceful exit now would allow for a smooth transition to a new nominee who could reinvigorate the base and appeal to a broader spectrum of voters.

While there’s no historical precedent for an incumbent president stepping down due to concerns about mental fitness, these are unprecedented times. The future of American democracy may well hinge on this decision. It’s time for Joe Biden to put country over personal ambition and clear the way for new leadership to emerge.

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