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Cornel West’s Involvement in Gaza War Protests, After Aiding Our Activities in 1980s

Dr. Cornel West’s activism in Gaza echoes his earlier efforts with Fundamentalists Anonymous, where he fought against the exploitation of religious beliefs for political and economic gain. Just as he stood against the U.S. government’s collaboration with Fundamentalist Protestants to destabilize Latin American governments, he now stands against the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza, which he and I view as genocidal.

New York, N.Y. In 1985, alongside my first partner, attorney Richard Yao, I founded Fundamentalists Anonymous (Huffington Post) to assist individuals battling religious addiction and to counter the Fundamentalist mindset. We defined this mindset as one that perceives the world in stark black and white terms, with no room for moral ambiguities or gray areas.

Our efforts quickly attracted media attention, and we found ourselves at the top of Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority’s “Enemies of the Gospel” list. Our mission was not to oppose the Bible but to challenge those who exploited it for economic and political gain.

The 1988 election of George Bush Sr., who ascended from Vice President under Ronald Reagan to President, further empowered the Religious Right. Our government began collaborating with Fundamentalist Protestant groups to destabilize Catholic Liberation Theology-friendly governments in Central America. As we criticized this alliance and the Religious Right‘s influence, we faced increasing retaliation. Our offices were broken into, files were rifled through, and we were surveilled by mysterious figures in trench coats. Our office narrowly escaped destruction when the neighboring building was suspiciously set ablaze.

Amid these threats, Episcopal Bishop Paul Moore offered his support, including protection from government attacks via the tax agency. This led to the formation of the Committee to Protect Fundamentalists Anonymous from IRS Harassment. Legendary figures such as attorney Bill Kunstler, anti-war clergy William Sloane Coffin , former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, and Dr. Cornel West joined our Committee, bringing their influence and prestige to our cause.

Cornel West, then teaching at Princeton, became a key supporter, calling me ‘Brother Luce.’ Fast forward almost four decades, and Cornel West is still deeply involved in fighting for justice. Today, he is actively protesting against Israeli actions in Gaza, where predominantly women and children are being killed under severe military actions.

Cornel West’s Role in Gaza War Protests

Cornel West‘s involvement in the Gaza War protests is a continuation of his long-standing commitment to justice and human rights. has been vocal about the atrocities committed against Palestinians, drawing parallels between the struggles he supported in the past and the current situation in Gaza. His advocacy focuses on highlighting the severe humanitarian crisis and calling for an end to the violence that disproportionately affects women and children.

Dr. West‘s activism in Gaza echoes his earlier efforts with Fundamentalists Anonymous, where he fought against the exploitation of religious beliefs for political and economic gain. Just as he stood against the U.S. government‘s collaboration with Fundamentalist Protestants to destabilize Latin American governments, he now stands against the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza, which he and many others view as genocidal.

Tying the Struggles Together

The fight against the U.S. government’s alignment with Fundamentalist interests in the 1980s and the current battle against the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza are part of a broader struggle against the misuse of power and the exploitation of vulnerable populations. Cornel West‘s unwavering commitment to justice, whether in the context of religious fundamentalism or international human rights, underscores a consistent theme: the fight against oppression and the advocacy for those who are marginalized and suffering.

Dr. West’s involvement with Fundamentalists Anonymous showcased his willingness to confront powerful entities in the U.S., challenging the status quo and advocating for those harmed by religious extremism. Today, his activism in Gaza highlights a similar courage, as he stands against what he views as the systematic oppression and violence inflicted upon Palestinians. Both efforts reflect a lifelong dedication to challenging injustice and supporting the oppressed, regardless of the political and social risks involved.

These are among the so many reasons why I admire thought leader and global citizen, my brother Dr. Cornel West.

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Jim Luce
Jim Luce
Raising, Supporting & Educating Young Global Leaders through Orphans International Worldwide (, the J. Luce Foundation (, and The Stewardship Report ( Jim is also founder and president of the New York Global Leaders Lions Club.

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