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About The Stewardship Report

The on-line newspaper Stewardship Report launched in 2010 to cover Faces, Issues (Business, Children, Conflict Resolution, Connectivity, Education, Environment, Eyewitness, Health, Opinion, Politics, United Nations), World Affairs, Lifestyle, and the Arts (artists, culture, dance, film, fine arts, literature, music, museums, theater).

The Stewardship Report grew out of the writings of Jim Luce for the Huffington PostDaily Kos, and New York Times on Thought Leaders and Global Citizens.

Many individuals have written for the Stewardship Report, including U.S. Ambassador Merten when he was posted to the American Embassy in Port-au-Prince:

“It has been just over one hundred days since a massive earthquake struck Haiti. In just 35 seconds, more than two hundred thousand lives were lost, tens of thousands of people were left homeless, and many government ministries were destroyed. Here at the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince, we lost seven members of our team, both Haitian and American, and all of our employees lost family members and friends.”

In an earlier piece for The Huffington Post, Jim had interviewed the Ambassador (Airplane Interview with the American Ambassador to Haiti) who told about his experiences during the earthquake:

“We sat down on our veranda to have a Coke when the earth began to shake violently. My wife and daughter were upstairs. I ran outside and began screaming to my wife, but she could not hear me. I learned later that she had been screaming desperately for me as well.

Somehow the house stood, and my family was spared. The water pipes burst and the house was flooded, but most people lost their homes – and many their families. What we lost was nothing by comparison.”

Jim comments, “I am only able to write about those who will talk to me. To date, I have spoken with and recorded the thinking of thought leaders such as Donald RubinVishakha DesaiHarry BelafontePeter YarrowQueen Silvia of Sweden, Peter Buffet & Angelique KidjoBill ClintonMichael DouglasPhil DonahueBan Ki-MoonWynton Marsalis, and Yoko Ono.”

Speaking with actor/director and activist Michael Douglas about nuclear disarmament.

A highlight of The Stewardship Report iThe Luce Index. The Index ranks thought leaders and global citizens on ten confidential criteria which collectively indicate the individual’s ability to create positive social change. The theme of the Stewardship Report is Connecting Goodness and the Index ranks leaders in their ability to do so.

Chatting with the legendary Yoko Ono Lennon about racist anti-immigrant policies in Arizona.

Discussing contemporary art and the African Diaspora with hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons.

Learning about Islam and cross-cultural connectivity from Queen Noor of Jordan.

Celebrating Wynton Marsalis’ Legionnaire’s Award at the French Cultural Institute.

A bright new face has been added to the crowded Web, drawing a large readership and uploading more than 900 stories in its first twelve weeks. Still in soft-launch, The Jim Luce Stewardship Report (JLSRis focused on “Connecting Goodness.”

Covering Faces, Issues, World Affairs, Life Style, the Arts, and Video, JLSR offers articles by a global mix of over 50 writers since its spring inception, including the American Ambassador to Haiti, the Sri Lankan Ambassador to the U.N., and the new JLSR Health Editor, Dr. Steven Becker. The Facebook group page for contributors and friends already has more than 600 members.


The portal’s mission is to engage the world to improve it. It is about bettering ourselves so that we can do more to better humanity. It is accepting the responsibility we have as human beings — Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Humanist, or None of the Above — to actively help better the world.

The Stewardship Report focuses on what my Jewish friends call tikum olem. Christians, the Social Gospel. Muslims, helping the unfortunate – a key tenet of Islam. Buddhists, mindfulness with a purpose.

For me, this has meant helping orphaned children in the developing world though Orphans International Worldwide (OIWW). My passion. Your focus might be the arts, the environment, women’s issues, gay rights, housing. JLSR is for all of us who care, and who are frustrated that we do not know how best to make a difference. We can collectively heal the world. This site will feature information about and ways to do that.

The Stewardship Report includes profiles, social diary, business, children, conflict resolution, connectivity, education, environment, eyewitness, health, viewpoint, politics, United Nations, news and views from Africa, the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Mid-East, South Asia, Developing World, as well as Artists, Cultural, Dance, Film, Fine Arts, Literature, Music, Museums, Theater, Photography, and the Performing Arts. The most-read section is The Luce Index.™

Follow Jim Luce on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and X (Twitter)

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